Weekly Tarotscope for February 24th – March 2nd, 2025 | Astrology Answers

Weekly Tarotscope for February 24th – March 2nd, 2025 | Astrology Answers

You may think you’re ready for the week ahead, but some powerful surprises are in store!

First up, a New Moon in Pisces will bring us deep emotional, intuitive insights and blessings on the 27th. This astrological event is ideal for setting intentions and putting yourself on the right track as we transition into the next month.

After all, Venus will begin its retrograde in Aries on March 1st, catapulting us into hot and heavy energy. Expect romantic turmoil and strange, impassioned emotions bubbling to the surface.

These significant energetic shifts can mean big things for us, of course. But how they actually manifest individually will depend on your personal circumstances, which is why we’ve checked in with the Tarot for its guidance and insights on that!


Judgement (Reversed)

Aries, our advice for this week is not to rush into anything too seriously…even though you may be tempted to do so.

The brave and bold sign of the ram is known for their decisiveness, but Judgement reversed points to questioning and uncertainty at a core level.

You may want answers and clarity desperately, but your mind and heart aren’t focused or clear enough to land on their own two feet with any sort of stability for now.

Although this can be upsetting and frustrating, it’s important to remain patient until this tide changes.

Want to learn more? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards


The Star

Taurus is finding peace, tranquility, and healing!

The Star forecasts a lovely healing presence over your week, Taurus. This card offers you spiritual insight, creative intrigue, and a readiness to take in new things, especially emotionally and intuitively.

You should take this as a comfortable omen of hope and prosperity for the future. There is plenty to look forward to.

Trust that the future is bright, and the light will find you naturally.


Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Gemini’s emotional reservoirs may be closed for business.

The Queen of Cups reversed suggests that you may be emotionally draining yourself, Gemini. You want to remain open-hearted and supportive to everyone, and you want to make strides emotionally and intuitively.

But that doesn’t mean you should be burning yourself out in this area, even when you can technically see and understand what’s ideal for you.

Intuitively knowing the “right” moves doesn’t mean you should do everything all at once. Remember to take care of yourself, Gemini.


6 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, it’s time to move forward, as hard as it may be.

You’ve always been sensitive at heart, capable of holding onto emotions and memories more deeply than most.

This side of you is most beloved and essential, but it can also prevent you from moving on from people and things that you’ve grown emotionally attached to. The 6 of Swords reversed insists that there’s something you’re not leaving behind…even though it’s overstayed its welcome.

With something like this, honesty and self-awareness are key, as well as a bit of bravery to do the right thing.


Knight of Swords (Reversed)

Leo, your energy is reading as scattered and uncertain this week.

The Knight of Swords reversed points to haphazard movements and impulsive decisions. You may also be speaking before thinking, and then even when you are thinking, your thoughts can feel like they’re running all over the place.

Take a deep breath, Leo.

Know that not everything needs to be handled by you, and it definitely doesn’t all need to be said and done right now either.

Go deeper! You Pulled the Knight of Swords Tarot Card — Now What?


Page of Wands (Reversed)

Virgo is seeking some passion and spark to latch onto…but it seems to be difficult to chase.

Or, more specifically, Virgo is definitely chasing it, but the Page of Wands reversed suggests that it’s not easy to catch. You’re tiring yourself out easily by just looking for the light and excitement and adventure in your circumstances, as everything can feel weirdly dreary lately.

However, just know that it’s important not to let yourself get sucked into chaos and impulse too easily, mostly because it will exhaust your energy reserves before anything good can actually pop up.


Page of Cups

Libra, creativity and love are flourishing for you right now!

These core themes are supported by the imaginative whimsy of the Page of Cups, which you seem to be embodying effortlessly this week.

Write, journal, paint, engage in any artistic craft, or dive deeper into your spirituality. Reach out, connect, dance, or express love in any form that feels comfortable.

No matter how you choose to celebrate the energy of this card, just make sure to let its presence be known by living out its spirit right now, Libra.


2 of Cups

Scorpio has love in the air.

The 2 of Cups is a romantic, emotionally-charged card of deep connection. You may find that having heart-to-hearts with those that you care about is much easier right now, easily helping you deepen any connection that matters.

You can also find higher success reaching out to new people, so long as it comes from an authentic, intuitively-aligned place.

Now is the time for really following where your heart goes and allowing love to flow naturally between yourself and others.


2 of Wands

The future is bright for Sagittarius.

The 2 of Wands offers expansion, adventure, and a true look into your next big steps. Optimism is running high and the positive vibes are finally flowing.

You may stumble into some stronger opportunities for travel, advancing your work and passions, or even just making more interesting, spontaneous connections.

Whatever it may be, it’s clear that the Universe is cooking up a little blessing for the wild archer!


Knight of Cups (Reversed)

Capricorn, don’t force what isn’t there.

Overall, the Knight of Cups reversed currently warns against acting from a place of emotional insecurity or impulsive yearning.

You may want deeper connections or meaningful conversations with others, and you may also want to be proactive about finding these things.

But the reversal of this card suggests that your actions and words right now may not be received with true open hearts, and it’s best to focus a lot of that love and energy inward for now.


Ace of Swords

Aquarius, victory is yours!

The Ace of Swords challenges you to push forward into new beginnings with some fresh ideas, open ambition, and excitement.

You have plenty of new opportunities at your disposal this week, although a lot of them may be as a result of your own ideas, imagination, and gut instinct. As a result, it’s important to go with your gut and seize a good idea when it arises (rather than just waiting around).

What will you create, say, or innovate with this week, Aquarius?


The Empress (Reversed)

Pisces, you have to feel the love within if you want it to translate to the work you do outside of yourself too.

The Empress reversed asks you to recenter yourself… in yourself. What do you care about? What makes you feel loved, fulfilled, and abundant?

You may be investing in your work and material stability, or trying to, but will inevitably hit roadblocks if it doesn’t come from a more secure place within.

Take a “me day” or two, Pisces. It’s well-needed.

Get ready for the new Zodiac season: Here’s how you can Prepare for Pisces Season

Your Curated Weekly Spiritual Resources

Although your Tarotscope is key to grounding your energy in a well-rounded, more conscious state of awareness for what’s to come…that doesn’t mean you have to stop there!

We’ve prepared some of our favorite resources tailored to this specific week’s energy.

Here are a few ways you can get a head start on what’s to come:

Recommended for you: Your February 2025 Monthly Tarotscope

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