The Best Moon Ritual for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign | Astrology Answers

The Best Moon Ritual for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign | Astrology Answers

The Chinese zodiac is based on the lunar calendar, so as you can imagine, the Moon plays quite an important role in Chinese astrology.

The start of each year is not determined by the Gregorian calendar as it is for many of us (January 1st – December 31st). Instead, it is based on the Chinese Lunar New Year, which changes every year.

What is a Moon Ritual?

A Moon ritual is a wonderful thing for everyone who follows astrology. There is a special magic about the Moon, and tapping into it can help us manifest the life we want and the desires we dream of.

  • Full Moons are times of guidance, healing, and magic.
  • New Moons are times for new beginnings.
  • First Quarter Moons are times of pushing through obstacles.
  • Moon phases in-between have their own special perks.

Moonology is a study that can help us connect to our beautiful orb in the sky at a deeper level.

Chinese Zodiac Moon Rituals

So what happens when you put the Chinese zodiac and a Moon ritual together? Magic, that’s what!

If you’re looking to enhance your Yin energies and harness the power of the Moon based on your Chinese zodiac sign, read on below to see how you can do this. When you work in conjunction with the Moon with Chinese astrology, you may just find your results and manifestations happen even faster and more powerfully than usual.

First, use our free Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator to discover your personal Chinese Zodiac sign, which is determined by your birth year.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & First Quarter Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil

Palo Santo

How to Do Your Moon Ritual

Think of your intentions, Rat.

Light your incense or burn your essential oil. Hold your crystal in your hand and ask the lunar energies to help you manifest your intentions. During a Moon ritual, ask for greater Yin energy to help you tap into your intuitive and sacred side.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

New Moon & Waxing Gibbous Moon

Best Crystal to Use

Black Tourmaline

Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

As someone who is naturally connected to the Earth and has an abundance of Yin energy, tap into your natural Yin energy using your crystal and lighting your incense/burning your essential oil, Ox.

A New Moon ritual will help you manifest your intentions, while a Waxing Gibbous ritual will help you refine your intentions and decisions.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waning Crescent Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang

How to Do Your Moon Ritual

Burn your essential oil or light your incense, darken your room and hold your crystal in your hand, Tiger. A Full Moon ritual will increase your natural Yang energy and enable you to visualize your dreams and desires. A Waning Crescent Moon ritual is wonderful for helping you to forgive and let go.

Yours is a sign that can struggle with letting go at times, so a ritual during this Moon can assist you in moving forward.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

New Moon & First Quarter Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

Burn your incense and hold your crystal in the palm of your hand, Rabbit.

If you can perform your ritual out among nature, all the better. Think of the intentions you wish to set during the New Moon ritual and repeat them to yourself. During the First Quarter Moon ritual, think about any obstacles you need to overcome and use the kyanite crystal to help you push through them.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waning Gibbous Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

Burn your essential oil and let the aroma waft over you, Dragon.

Hold your crystal in the palm of your hand and make promises to yourself on a soul level during your Full Moon ritual. During your Waning Gibbous ritual, focus on getting rid of bad habits and reducing any negativity and stress in your life. Your citrine crystal can help bring positivity into your life and attract abundance.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waning Crescent Moon

Best Crystal to Use

Blue Lace Agate

Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

During the Full Moon, burn your essential oil or light your incense and visualize the life you wish to manifest Snake.

Try and do this among nature if possible. The Waning Crescent Moon is also a powerful time for you. It can be difficult for you to forgive and let go, and this Moon is a time to focus on forgiveness and recognizing a higher purpose.

The blue lace agate crystal is powerful for letting go and forgiving, so meditate with it during your ritual.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & New Moon

Best Crystal to Use

Rose Quartz

Best Incense/Essential Oil

Clary Sage

How to Do Your Moon Ritual

During the New Moon, burn your essential oil or light your incense, Horse.

The clary sage soothes and grounds you. You have strong Yang energy, and unwinding is an important part of your routine. Set your intentions during the New Moon. Hold your rose quartz crystal in your hand when it is the Full Moon, and make promises to yourself at a soul level.

This crystal balances and harmonizes your energies from within.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

New Moon & Waning Crescent

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

As a naturally sensitive individual, the Waning Crescent Moon is the perfect time for you to engage in a Moon ritual, Goat.

This is a time to let go and spend time being mindful. Light your frankincense and hold your labradorite in the palm of your hand. Reconnect with nature and contemplate new beginnings. When the New Moon arrives soon afterward, perform the same ritual, and set new intentions.

This will help you stay in tune with the cyclical rhythms of the Moon and manifest your desires faster.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waxing Crescent Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

The Full Moon and Waxing Crescent Moon are both excellent Moon phases to help you achieve your goals and stay on your spiritual path, Monkey. During either of these Moon phases, light your Jasmine incense or essential oil and meditate with your carnelian crystal. Write down what you want to achieve and think about how you can accomplish your goals.

Performing this ritual under these two phases will help you manifest your ambitions with greater ease.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

New Moon & First Quarter Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

As someone with a sharp and keen mind, performing rituals under the New Moon and First Quarter Moon can help you stay balanced and spiritually nourished, especially if you mentally exert yourself at times, Rooster. Light your incense/essential oil and hold your lepidolite crystal. Speak your intentions aloud during the New Moon.

During the First Quarter Moon ritual, think about any obstacles or challenges you face, write them down and then scrunch them up as a symbolic gesture of how you will overcome them. Repeating these rituals throughout the month will bring you greater mental stability and clarity.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waxing Gibbous Moon

Best Crystal to Use


Best Incense/Essential Oil


How to Do Your Moon Ritual

During the Full Moon, light your incense and hold your crystal in the palm of your hand, Dog. Bring your intentions to fruition and release any negative feelings you have accumulated throughout the week. It is important for you to regularly release negative emotions. The Waxing Gibbous Moon helps you to tweak your goals and cultivate plans for the next stage.

As someone who functions best when there is a long-term goal in mind, performing these Moon rituals can help you stay emotionally stable and grounded throughout the month.


Best Time for Moon Ritual

Full Moon & Waxing Gibbous Moon

Best Crystal to Use

Smoky Quartz

Best Incense/Essential Oil

Lotus Flower

How to Do Your Moon Ritual

Set your intentions for the next few weeks during the New Moon by burning your essential oil and meditating with your crystal, Pig.

Try to do your ritual outdoors, as this helps you connect with nature’s natural energies. The crystal enhances your Yin energy, which enables you to see your visions and intentions clearly. During the Third Quarter Moon, it is time to focus on forgiveness and balance your Yin and Yang energies.

Write down everything you need to let go of in order to move forward with greater positivity. This Moon also strengthens your creativity levels. Performing rituals under these Moon phases keeps you connected to your spiritual path and brings emotional stability and balance.

Connect to the Moon

Remember that your Chinese zodiac sign is powerfully connected to the lunar energies. Performing these Moon rituals can help you manifest your intentions and stay connected to your soul purpose.

The hustle and bustle of daily life can be overwhelming. Still, when we take a few minutes to connect to the lunar rays, we experience spiritual and emotional cleansing and are able to clearly envision our desires and dreams.

Try the rituals above based on your sign and see what the lunar energies manifest for you!

Don’t miss reading: All About the MAJOR Moon Events of the Year

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