Welcome, beautiful souls!
March swims in like a mysterious cosmic pool, setting the energy ablaze with inspiration. The blue skies paint a sacred masterpiece at sunrise, immersed in vibrant reds, oranges, and gold- colors that reveal the alchemy of life. This is not a soft start to a new season; it’s an initiation that redefines boundaries, tests faith, and guides your path. The air hums with anticipation, and an undeniable energy permeates.
We are at a turning point, a shift that sets the stage for something big!
March is generally known as the third month in numerology. And in fact, March’s collective numerology for 2025 is “3“, which represents creativity, communication, and optimism.
This is also associated with the following energies:
- Confidence and self-reliance
- Self-expression and wholeness
- Magic, miracles and manifestation
- The holy trinity and the divine revealing itself
The energy of this divine 9 year continues to guide us through powerful shifts, reshaping the collective consciousness in ways that can no longer be ignored.
The month ahead brings a profound spiritual shift as we close Pisces season, completing an activation that has been happening beneath the surface. As we step into a new astrological year, we are not just crossing into Aries season—we are stepping into a new era.
This is the great cycle—the wheel of life—always turning. (Just like the eclipses, retrogrades, and planetary shifts that will take this month by storm). You’ll find this month’s energy demanding presence, awareness, and trust. And while the winds of change move fast, here are some of the themes you can expect in March:
What to Expect Astrologically in March 2025
March 1: Venus Retrograde Begins
A Call To True Self-Worth
The month of March begins with a bang, as Venus turns retrograde 10° in Aries, on the evening of March 1st. In this reversal, the goddess of love, worth, values, wealth, and desires moves backwards through the flames, urging us to reflect on how we pursue our goals. The mirror is held up, revealing the shadow in how we pursue love, validation, and self-worth.
This transit exposes the places where confidence, desire, and self-worth have been confused with defensiveness, urgency, and self-worth. Here is where the deep work begins.
In its purest form, Aries represents identity, the concept of ‘I AM.’ Since Venus is pulling back, everything related to how we view ourselves in regard to love, money, and personal value is being reexamined. Old wounds of self-worth, rejection, and feeling “not enough” surface, especially those we thought we had already overcome. The cracks begin to appear if you have built your sense of value on external validation.
The retrograde forces a change if your identity is shaped by others’ perceptions of what you are desirable, needful, or successful. It’s time to stop running and sit in the discomfort of who you are when there’s nothing to prove, no one to impress, and nothing to win. Heal the wounds that tell you love has to be earned. Rewrite the story that says you have to fight to be seen. Meet yourself without armor, without performance. The real, authentic you. The question is—are you ready to fully love that person? Can you stop demanding they be more, do more, achieve more just to feel worthy of receiving?
March 3: Mercury Enters Aries
Activating The Voice of The Divine Mind
Mercury, the divine messenger, charges into Aries, activating the mental body. There will be a shift in the way you assert and communicate your truth. Old ways of thinking will be challenged to help you rewrite your inner dialogue.
Pay attention to current themes that arise as Mercury turns RX in Aries, right after the eclipse. Expect to revisit, revise, or rework things in your life. It is wise to avoid speaking without thinking and reacting impulsively when angry. Instead, pay attention to what’s being said—by you and to you.
March 12: Sun-Saturn Conjunction
Anchoring Light Within The Great Unknown
The Sun and Saturn lock forces on March 12th, beginning an exciting cycle where dreams meet discipline and reality tests our intuition. The Sun, which represents life force and conscious awareness, merges with the planet of structure, karma, and mastery. Taking the next step towards spiritual maturity can feel heavy, but this is the place where illusions dissolve. Whatever you’ve been avoiding, whatever foundation isn’t strong enough, Saturn is here to reinforce or dismantle it.
Social pressure for people to get their lives together, commit, stop floating through half-baked dreams and build something sustainable is strongly felt. There’s a desire to get organized and to stop procrastinating, and work through any issues. If you have been acting with integrity, Saturn will reward you. If you cut corners, the consequences will show up. There’s no escaping Saturn’s lessons, but there’s also no greater strength than understanding them.
March 14: Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
Purifying The Path To Mastery
The first eclipse of the year occurs 23° in Virgo on March 14th at 1:55 AM CST, initiating the Pisces-Virgo eclipse cycle and opening the door to refinement, mastery, and deep healing. It is no ordinary lunar eclipse, with the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces — it carries the weight of karmic closure and sacred purification.
As the Moon conjuncts the South Node (Ketu) in Virgo during this eclipse, you are called to release outdated cycles, habits, and beliefs that have bound you to an older version of yourself. The Virgo-Pisces axis is the bridge between the seen and unseen, the healer and the mystic, the structured and the surrendered. It’s here where the sacred and the practical come together, and where body, mind, and spirit align.
With the Moon in Virgo opposing Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, there’s a tug-of-war between discipline and dissolution, between responsibility and escapism. Saturn holds you accountable for your healing, while Neptune blurs the lines, making it easier to drift into avoidance.
Ask yourself: Are you delaying the necessary changes? Are you micromanaging your growth rather than allowing it to unfold naturally?
With the Full Moon’s trine to Uranus, things shake up, offering unexpected breakthroughs, while its sextile to Mars provides momentum to see things through to completion. But this isn’t about rushing, it’s about refinement. What is worth your energy, time and effort? What needs to be reworked, not given up on?
What makes this eclipse even more dynamic is that these planetary alignments form a Cradle; a rare aspect pattern that blends tension with support, pressure with creative opportunity.
A Cradle contains two oppositions (Moon-Sun and Moon-Saturn/Neptune) softened by flowing aspects, creating a paradox of challenge and ease. In addition to teaching resilience, this aspect exposes where avoidance tendencies may arise-where sidestepping issues feels more comfortable than confronting them. At its highest expression, this pattern fuels immense creative potential, allowing you to turn obstacles into wisdom, hardships into mastery.
This eclipse isn’t here to just cleanse; it’s here to show you how to transmute limitations into something meaningful and truly step into your sacred medicine.
March 15: Mercury Retrograde Begins
Recalibrating The Mental Body
After the eclipse, Mercury, the ruler of the Full Moon, stations retrograde at 9° in Aries. That’s huge.
We’re in a divine 9 year, a time of completion, endings, and deep change, and Mercury—the planet of communication, perception, and movement—is retracing its steps. This isn’t just about reviewing the past, it’s about liberating ourselves from old patterns in how we think, speak, and act. It’s about purging the mental body of its wounded identity, communication, and mental patterns.
Do not jump to conclusions, react without thinking, or force situations that need more time to unfold. You should use discernment when making decisions or accepting new contracts. Now is not the time to rush. Actions made without reflection and words spoken in an impulsive manner could lead to unnecessary conflicts.
Instead, let Aries’ fire burn away outdated mental habits by slowing down, listening, and burning away old mental patterns through the alchemical fire. It’s about refining willpower, sharpening intentions, and learning when to act and when to pause. Growth is occurring—but only if you’re willing to do the inner work first.
March 20: Aries Season Begins & Equinox
The Ushering in of a New Era
The Sun crosses the equator at 4:02 AM CST on March 20th, signaling the beginning of the new astrological year and the Spring Equinox. Everything resets, but this isn’t just any Aries season—this one hits differently. We’re not just stepping into new energy; we’re launched into it! Retrogrades, eclipses, and a major planetary shift that hasn’t happened in decades.
Aries season 2025 is a dynamic movement of energy, but it’s not about reckless, impulsive energy-it’s about intuition and structure. It’s about learning how to keep a steady flame, a steady stream of creative inspiration and not become burnt out by lesser energies. With Venus RX retracing its steps and Mercury RX, the past is catching up. However, it is not to hold us back, but rather to show us what still needs to be liberated. Our dreams are no longer dreams, they are calls to action, they are becoming reality.
Overall, Aries season is about birthing ourselves anew, not individually, but collectively. This season marks the beginning of a major generational shift. Don’t become discouraged by setbacks. Learn to be patient and stand by your truth.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Aries!
March 27: Venus Retrogrades back into Pisces
Learning to Surrender & Trust
Venus RX slips back into Pisces on March 27th, where it will remain until April 13th.
There are no bounds to love in Pisces; beauty transcends form, and the heart speaks a language beyond words. But in retrograde motion, this isn’t about floating around in romantic ideals or losing yourself in fantasies. It’s about revisiting old emotional wounds, past relationships, and deep-seated beliefs about love, worth, and connection. Issues left unresolved between January 2nd and February 4th (when Venus first moved through Pisces) now resurface.
Old lovers or friends may reappear, forgotten dreams may resurface, and hidden emotions may demand attention. The past may feel closer than ever with this RX. However, this is not a time to dwell on the past or get lost in nostalgia. This is a time for you to reflect on what you have learned in your relationships and how your relationships reflect your self-worth. What patterns need to be transformed? Where have you sacrificed too much?
Financially, this retrograde can reveal illusions around money and resources—be mindful of deceptive deals, unclear financial decisions, or spending as a form of escapism. Rather than chasing what once was, use this time to redefine what you truly value in love, pleasure, and abundance. Pisces calls for surrender, and Venus RX reminds us: some things are meant to be freed, not revived.
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse & Mercury
A World Between Worlds
An otherworldly shift occurs at 5:58 AM CST on March 29th, as a partial solar eclipse lands at 8° in Aries, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle.
Eclipses accelerate fate, opening doors before you even knock. This isn’t subtle—this is a high level initiation, an upgrade of energy to the light-body, demanding movement. At the same time, Mercury RX drifts back into Pisces, meeting Neptune just before Neptune changes signs. This is like catching a secret meeting or the last whisper of a dream before waking up, a moment of deep reflection before everything changes.
A sextile between the New Moon and Pluto reveals layers of magic, mystery, and power, pulling things into place in a quiet but undeniable way. While you may not be able to see what is unfolding, everything is shifting beneath the surface and reshaping what you believe is possible. This isn’t just about taking action—it’s about understanding what’s guiding that action.
This is a great time to consider: Are you guided by a higher power? Or the wounds of the past? What fuels your desires? Have you ignored your instincts?
With Mercury RX meeting with Neptune during this event, the mind swims in the unseen, bringing messages through intuition, dreams, and déjà vu. Don’t force answers; allow the eclipse to uncover the truth, and trust that the revelations will come exactly when they need to.
March 30: Neptune Enters Aries
Igniting The Era of Divinely Guided Action
As the month ends, Neptune changes signs for the first time since 2011, leaving Pisces and entering Aries. This is a big deal. It’s been over 160 years since Neptune last moved through Aries, and this transit is anything but subtle.
Last time Neptune was here, the world was ablaze with radical change — ideas clashing, revolutions unfolding, and the Civil War defining the United States. Now, in 2025, Neptune in Aries signals another era of upheaval. However, this time, the battlefield isn’t just physical—it’s technological, spiritual, and deeply personal.
Neptune in Aries fuels forward progress. The age of passive dreaming is over—this is about bringing the vision into reality.
Technology is about to accelerate in ways that require ethical discussions: artificial intelligence, bioengineering, and virtual reality are not only seen as tools to some, but extensions of a person’s identity. But, with that, we can not lose touch with the true essence of things found in nature, found beyond AI, the computer, phones, televisions, etc. Music, art, and culture will reject watered-down trends in favor of something authentic, vital, and genuine.
The same applies for spirituality—what was once packaged and sold as enlightenment will be challenged, dismantled, and redefined. False authorities, toxic teachings, and spiritual systems designed to manipulate rather than liberate are exposed. There will be an exposure of “cult-like” mentalities, deceptive leadership, and blind faith in “chosen ones,” forcing people to take responsibility for their OWN spiritual development. Neptune in Aries doesn’t float—it fights. It cuts through illusion, revealing where spirituality is used as control rather than empowerment.
One of the most significant shifts will be in how people break free from addictions, distractions, toxic cycles, and other forms of escapism that numb rather than fuel. Neptune in Aries says no more culture of avoidance. This era is about reclaiming power, choosing presence over escape, and turning spiritual practice into something that moves, builds, and protects.
This isn’t a soft awakening—it’s an alchemical purification of what no longer serves. The dreamers become leaders and take action as co-creators in the Universe.
March’s 2025 Energy Oracle Card
This month’s Oracle card is “Pyramid of Light” from the Isis Oracle. Step your vibrational deeper into love.
This card confirms that you’re moving through a spiritual shift, activating and restructuring your auric field, emotions, mind, and physical body. As your energy expands and evolves, it’s essential to lean into love and self-care for protection from heavy or draining forces.
Your energy field is sacred, and whatever is no longer aligned with your highest frequency needs to be released. Use the power of light, intention, and conscious awareness to clear anything that feels stagnant, heavy, or karmic attachments. The more you anchor into love, the stronger your spiritual foundation becomes.
How to Make Productive Use of March’s Cosmic Energy
Check out these quick tips to align and cleanse your energy in March.
- Work with the Metal Element for Protection and Transmutation
Chinese medicine associates the metal element with protection, structure, and refinement. Your body’s Metal element helps you release grief, sharpen discernment, and transform negativity into wisdom.
Practice deep breathing (metal rules the lungs), use crystals such as hematite or pyrite, and set firm boundaries. Imagine a radiant metallic shield around you, reflecting away lower vibrations while allowing higher guidance to flow.
Don’t miss: 11 AMAZING Crystals for Protection & Repelling Negative Energy
- Balance the Gallbladder Meridian for Vision & Decision-Making
Gallbladder meridian governs courage, foresight, and decisiveness. Stimulating this Meridian helps cut through hesitation and see the bigger picture.
Massage the sides of your head near your temples, tap along the outer thighs, or use acupressure on GB-34 (located just below the knee on the outer side of the leg). Activating this Meridian clears mental fog and restores intuitive decision-making if you have been feeling stuck or uncertain.
- Harmonize the Ninth Chakra for Integrity & Self-Realization
The ninth chakra is often referred to as the “Seat of the Soul,” because it serves as a bridge between divine vision and earthly reality.
To strengthen this energy center, meditate with golden-white light above your head, chant the seed sound OM, or work with sacred geometry, particularly pyramids.
March is a perfect month for aligning this chakra and taking steps toward spiritual integrity that will assist you in navigating shifts with wisdom and grace.
Overall, March ushers in a generational shift that redefines our lives on every level. It’s not just about personal transformation—it’s about the collective weaving a new era. This is a time of understanding what it truly means to trust in Great Spirit, to listen to guidance and wisdom that doesn’t come from logic or proof but from something deeper.
The kind of trust that isn’t rooted in what can be measured or explained but in what can be felt. Trust that echoes through intuition, shows up in synchronicities, and moves in ways the mind can’t fully grasp. Surrender to that trust, move with it, and allow it to support your path even when you can’t see the full picture yet.
Happy March!
Related article: What’s the MOST Important Planet in Your Birth Chart?
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