Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

This week is going to be filled with softness, emotions, creativity, and magical vibes as we have the New Moon in Pisces. As we always say, New Moons are the best time to initiate new ventures and plant seeds for what we want to create and build within our lives.

Firstly, however, we start off the week on Monday with the Moon in Capricorn square Venus in Aries. This may indicate a tension between your emotional needs and what you’re getting out of your relationships, both platonic and romantic. This is a great day to ask yourself whether the two are in alignment, and if they are not, ask yourself why that is and how you can shift it. It is very important to learn how to be in connection with others without self-abandoning.

Consider: How can you find the balance between being your own autonomous entity, while still knowing how to compromise?

On Tuesday, we have Mercury in Pisces conjunct Saturn. Mercury in Pisces is all about creativity, intuitive thinking, and imaginal realms, and the fact that it is sitting next to Saturn indicates that this is a great time to give tangible form to your dreams and figure out how you can make them a reality rather than just a fantasy.

Also, Mercury conjunct Saturn often indicates a tendency to lean more towards negative thinking and cynicism, so watch out for that and make sure you don’t fall into negative thought patterns that have you believe inaccurate things about yourself and life in general.

On Wednesday, the Moon is in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, you may be in for some unexpected surprises or events that shake you up emotionally, therefore stay open-minded and find out what you can learn from such situations. Moreover, this planetary configuration may show that you are actually feeling more detached than usual, which can be quite a helpful thing. Having some distance from our subjective feelings is healthy and necessary in order to retain a more objective and well-rounded perspective on things.

On Thursday, we have the New Moon in Pisces. This is a very potent time when you can reflect and focus your energies on manifesting and tending to your deepest and most profound dreams.

It is of utmost importance to tend to the emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. It is very easy to get caught up in the grind of mundane life/work, that you end up neglecting your inner world.

This is a great day to break away from this tendency and create a ritual of setting intentions for how you wish to show up in relationship to your spirit and soul. And more importantly, find practices that allow you to nourish those aspects of your being. That could look like meditating, dancing, singing, writing, cooking, truly anything that helps you connect with something greater than yourself and makes you feel more whole and at home in yourself.

Pisces is the sign that lives between the two worlds, the material world and the esoteric one. It is about learning how to navigate smoothly between the two and recognizing the sacredness of attaining this balance.

On Friday, the Pisces Moon will conjunct Mercury, making it a great day to practice communicating and sharing your feelings and emotions. We are often conditioned from a young age to suppress our feelings and keep them pent up inside of us, as opposed to airing them out in the open. This leads to the unhealthy habit of bottling things up and later becoming resentful and passive-aggressive. Therefore, make it a constant exercise in your intimate connections to practice vulnerability and maintain an open dialogue where everyone feels heard validated, and safe enough to be this open.

Finally, at the very end of the week, Venus will go retrograde in Aries, and this is going to last slightly over a month. This period of time is inviting you to reflect on all your past relationships and see what lessons you have learned from them.

Consider: Are there any recurring themes or repetitive patterns?

If there are negative ones, make it a point to delve into your unconscious to figure out what unresolved emotional issues you may have that are sabotaging your ability to achieve fulfilling and nourishing connections, both romantic and platonic.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Pisces (February 18, 2025 — March 20, 2025)
  • Mercury: Pisces (February 14, 2025 — March 3, 2025)
  • Venus: (February 4, 2025 — March 27, 2025)
  • Mars: Cancer (January 6, 2025 – April 18, 2025)
  • Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, February 24th




Capricorn – today, the energy is grounded, practical, and serious. This is a good time to focus and get down to business.

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Capricorn square Venus in Aries — you may feel that your needs are in tension with those of people you are intimate with, make sure you are naming your desires and dealings to avoid tension.

Plan for March’s arrival! Don’t forget to read: Your March 2025 Energy Forecast

Tuesday, February 25th




Moon in Aquarius – allow yourself to be detached from what is going on around you and indulge in pursuits that stimulate you on an intellectual level.

It is necessary to think outside the box and be your quirky, strange self every once in a while!

Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces—this is a great day to turn your creative thoughts and dreams into tangible and physical form. Ask yourself what the necessary steps to take are and create an action plan.

Wednesday, February 26th





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus — you could be feeling extra detached and removed from your emotions today, which is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is good to adopt a rational approach and have some distance from intense feelings.

Thursday, February 27th




New Moon in Pisces – during these few days, the energy is sensitive, soft, and dreamy. During this lunar transit, it is always a great practice to tend to your inner and imaginary/creative world.

Astrological Aspect

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini — you could be experiencing an increased desire towards over indulgence today, make sure you keep this behavior in check and avoid biting off on more than you can chew.

Try this: Pisces New Moon 4-Card Tarot Spread

Friday, February 28th





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Pisces — your mind and your emotions are in alignment today, this is the perfect opportunity to share and verbalize any feelings you have been sitting on.

Saturday, March 1st




Aries – the energy is active, fiery, and possibly even feisty these next few days!

You might be feeling more restless and agitated, so make sure to direct that energy somewhere useful and constructive.

Astrological Aspect

Venus goes retrograde in Aries — For the next few weeks during this transit, it is a great time to reevaluate your relationships and how you feel about them. What is your relationship to autonomy and codependency? Do you feel like you teeter towards one of those more than the other? IF you do, find ways in which you can practice being more balanced and learn how to be in connection without self abandoning.

Sunday, March 2nd





Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces — your mind is extra dreamy, creative and imaginative today. Allow yourself to float off into outer space and daydream to your hearts desire, it is necessary to do that every now and then. Being in tune with that part of yourself provides you with information as to what you seek and desire more of in your life.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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