Your Sign’s March 2025 Tarotscope Sets the Stage for Change

Your Sign’s March 2025 Tarotscope Sets the Stage for Change

This month’s transits have the potential to be some of the most electrifying yet.

Venus begins a profound retrograde in Aries on the 1st, propelling us into a time of Fiery passions and emotions running high, forcing us to examine our relationships with ourselves and others with more intensity and purpose.

Plus, as Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, we won’t really be able to escape the necessity for embracing that inner Fire. So by the time we reach the Lunar eclipse in Virgo on the 14th, we’ll be well-prepared to set clear intentions for our real needs and expectations.

Last but not least, Mercury will also go retrograde in Aries on the 15th, so if you’re not ready by this point to reflect seriously on what ignites your soul, March will be pulling no punches to make sure it gets done. (And don’t forget that Aries season itself takes off on the 20th!).

Overwhelmed? Don’t worry… we have you covered.

Let’s turn to the Tarot for some succinct, helpful, and assuring guidance and insight on what to expect (with one Major Arcana and one Minor Arcana card each) on a more personal level.

Let’s Explore Your March 2025 Tarotscope


Death & 9 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Ariesis finding change and transformation, although it isn’t an easy transition.

The Death card always prompts us to look inside, examine what is and isn’t working anymore, and truly step into new horizons. You may be seeking new opportunities, especially as the 9 of Pentacles reversed creates tension with your finances and career.

However, in order to make the strides that you seek, the changes must first come from within.

How have you been holding yourself back, and what skin will you need to shed in order to be the version of yourself that can claim the life you know you deserve?


Temperance & Knight of Wands (Reversed)

Taurus is seeking balance in tough times.

Temperance is the steady alchemist, a patient figure of spiritual finesse and strength. You’re called to embody this archetype right now despite the Knight of Wands reversed hinting that this month is consistently destabilizing your sense of ambition and willpower.

You may feel restless, uncertain, and often very scattered in your desires. 

But March is an opportunity to take special notice of this, recenter, and intentionally ground yourself in the face of this instability.

Don’t miss out: You Pulled the Temperance Tarot Card — Now What?


The Fool & 9 of Swords (Reversed)

Gemini is jumping head-first into new things, anxieties cast to the wayside.

The Fool brings you new beginnings and fresh starts. This month is a time of expansion, open hearts and arms, and seeing life from a new perspective, ready or not.

This comes from an authentic release of everything that had been holding you back before, especially fears and self-doubts about what your capabilities really were. The 9 of Swords reversed shows you making a conscious effort to get out of your own way.

With some effort and intentionality, March has the potential to be a powerful month for Gemini to make some strong changes.


The Hanged Man & Knight of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer is intentionally rethinking their next steps.

The Hanged Man prompts you to find pause and balance, especially as the Knight of Swords reversed complicates your thoughts and makes your perspective feel suddenly disoriented and foggy.

You may want to restlessly make firm decisions or speak up just to feel heard, but ultimately this month is about recentering into self-protection, security, and remembering your core values.

Outwardly, this may seem like an uneventful time for most Cancerians. But internally, you’ll be busier than ever.


The Sun & 2 of Cups

Leo has found what truly makes them shine this month!

The Sun and the 2 of Cups are both beacons of positivity, good feelings, and intense emotional connections. You’re feeling seen, understood, and safer in your relationships and friendships than you were before.

This set of cards encourages you to prioritize those that you care about, as well as pay attention to how your heart responds to different people. 

Just know that your intuition and your heart are both speaking prominently right now to show you what’s best for you and what and who really supports you.


The Magician & 5 of Cups (Reversed)

Virgo, you must create and innovate without the added pressure of perfectionism.

We all know and love the Virgo tendency to get everything right, as you tend to be one of the most productive and reliable signs of the zodiac as a result. 

However, The Magician and the 5 of Cups reversed hint that you’re quite busy this month experimenting with new things (projects, connections, hobbies, and work)… and mistakes are inevitable.

As a result, you’ll need to give yourself plenty of grace to move on and laugh about these things, rather than getting caught up in the details and disappointments.


Justice (Reversed) & 7 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Libra, the balance you seek will not come from overanalysis.

Although Justice reversed can be a particularly difficult ache to resolve for Libras (who consistently strive for and seek balance and fairness), the 7 of Pentacles reversed warns against overanalyzing your next steps and plans in response to this.

You may not have everything figured out right now, and that’s okay. Some things can’t be planned for, and especially with work and career, you’re encouraged to loosen the reins a bit and allow things to play out naturally.

This isn’t an easy task for Libra, but it’s a necessary one for the month ahead.


The Empress (Reversed) & 3 of Pentacles

Scorpio, you’re a powerful creator, but everyone needs help now and again.

The Empress reversed complicates your relationship with your intuition, your creative senses, and your self-confidence surrounding your ability to forge an abundant life for yourself.

Thankfully, the 3 of Pentacles hints that you have plenty of willing support… should you choose to take up others on their offers.

Sometimes, solving everything on your own isn’t the answer, and allowing others to contribute to your work and livelihood can actually be more rewarding, insightful, and inspirational than ever expected.


The Moon (Reversed) & 7 of Wands

Sagittarius, mysteries are becoming unveiled and there may be very little time to process them.

The Moon reversed suggests that truths are coming to light and the fog that may have sat over points of confusion is now lifting.

However, the 7 of Wands also points out that Sagittarius is quite busy this month, with your hands tied up in all sorts of personal endeavors, troubles, and complex social situations.

Act now and process later. You will have time to understand and ask big questions about what everything means later, but right now is a time to step up to the plate and move decisively.


The Chariot & 9 of Cups

Capricorn has a wildly abundant and success-filled month ahead… should you be ready to accept it all!

The 9 of Cups and The Chariot are both majorly positive omens of fulfilled desires, achieving your goals, and confidently claiming the life that you know you’ve always deserved.

However, it does all require some self-awareness, true confidence, and the readiness to say “yes” to new things that come your way. In other words, don’t get suddenly shy in the face of the success you have worked so hard to achieve.

Otherwise, there is plenty for Capricorn to enjoy this March. Are you ready to seize it for yourself?


Wheel of Fortune & 8 of Swords

Aquarius is still finding the fate that works for them, although it’s not always a very glamorous journey.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that this month is all about falling back into the hands of destiny, trust falling into the Universe’s command, and knowing that you aren’t required to know everything all of the time.

The 8 of Swords will be causing you some trouble, spotlighting all the ways in which you still feel restrained and held back by yourself and the world around you.

But you’re wrestling with it hands-on right now and attempting to focus on rekindling a healthy relationship with the unknown, and the effort is really what’s going to count the most.


The World & Knight of Pentacles

Pisces, good things are just around the corner… even if it has been a long time coming anyway.

The World promises that this month offers some finality, closure, and full circle moments to previously initiated efforts and plans. You’re aligned with the “right path,” so to speak, and this month will help affirm that reality back to you.

The Knight of Pentacles also shows you mostly focused on your daily routines and responsibilities nonetheless, so it’s not as if you’re deviating too far from the norm here.

In other words, although life is headed in a solid direction, nothing about any of this should be all too surprising or out of the way.

What Else March 2025 May Bring You

Life can be unpredictable and full of unexpected changes, but the wisdom of your Tarotscope can give you a bit of an extra leg up on that front!

However, as we reviewed in the beginning, there are still also a variety of other things happening beneath the surface — astrologically, energetically, and beyond.

Here are a few things to know about what’s to come:

Take the Quiz: Which Tarot Card Are You?

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