Get ready for a major energy shift this week as we make our way into Aries season! Where Pisces season is the last month of winter, a time of introspection, reflection, and dreaming, Aries, on the other hand, is the first month of spring, a time of action, energy, and directing one’s energy outward. We will talk about that more, but first, let us start with the beginning of the week!
On Monday, the Moon is in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius. This is a very intense combination, it is a time of deep feelings and emotions and diving into your unconscious. This is a great transit for doing inner work and delving into your psyche, especially all the nooks and crannies that you generally avoid because they are too scary or uncomfortable to confront. Learn how to sit with the difficult, “ugly”, or painful feelings, it is only when you do so, that you are able to achieve true intimacy with yourself and be able to process and move through all these traumas and wounds.
The vibe is slightly different on Tuesday with the Scorpio Moon trining Mars in Cancer. With this particular combination of planets, you may be experiencing an increased surge of energy and motivation. Use this energy to your advantage and ride this wave of inspiration and excitement, allow it to move you into action, and initiate projects and ventures that you have been sitting on but want to start for some time. This is also a great day to begin a consistent practice, such as exercise or anything physical, that allows you to channel your inner tensions and restlessness into a constructive outlet.
Then, on Wednesday, we have some conflicting planetary transits occurring, which could indicate some internal tensions and contradicting feelings/needs. We have the Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune, this is possibly the most dreamy, sensitive, and emotional planetary configuration. It is a time to allow yourself to just be and exist without feeling the need to do things or work so much. Give yourself permission to daydream, tend to your fantasies, and see what they have to tell you about what you wish to create and manifest in your life. However, the Moon also moves into Sag today, meaning that the energy is also active, extraverted, and fiery, therefore making space for all these different energies and modes of being!
Thursday is the spring equinox, meaning it is the first day of spring and the beginning of Aries season! Astrologically, we think of this as the New Year, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolizes new beginnings. Aries is the sign most known for initiating new things, this next month is a great period for you to think about what you want to start introducing into your life. There is a lot of motivation and excitement in the air, so allow yourself to be carried by that current, stop procrastinating, and just begin any creative projects you have been putting off.
Aries is notorious for starting things however and not finishing them, so make sure you don’t fall into that pattern, practice being disciplined and sticking to the things that you started. This is also the ideal time for starting a consistent active, physical routine. In order to stay young, healthy, and vital, it is crucial that you don’t live a sedentary and stagnant life. Make sure you channel this fiery energy into healthy avenues, it is important to avoid getting into uncalled-for fights and arguments simply because you don’t know how to deal with your inner tensions and anxieties.
On Friday, Venus in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, this is a good transit for practicing vulnerability and initiating deep conversations within your romantic partnerships and friendships. It is only when you create space for such things, that you can achieve true intimacy and closeness within your connections. And on Saturday, we have a conjunction between the Sun and Venus in Aries. This makes it a great day for potentially initiating new romantic connections or being intentional about how you connect with your preexisting ones, giving them the time and space necessary for them to flourish and grow.
Finally, on Sunday, the Sun in Aries is sextile Pluto in Aquarius. This is a good transit to think about gently letting go of beliefs you’ve had about yourself, and who you are as a unique individual, that are no longer true or serving you anymore. Give yourself permission to change and transform, without clinging to outdated identities and perceptions of yourself, as that is the only way you can grow and evolve as a human.
Planetary Locations During This Week
- The Sun: Pisces (February 18, 2025 — March 20, 2025) Aries (March 20, 2025 — April 19, 2025)
- Mercury: Aries (March 3, 2025 — March 28, 2025)
- Venus: (February 4, 2025 — March 27, 2025)
- Mars: Cancer (January 6, 2025 – April 18, 2025)
- Jupiter: Gemini (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025)
- Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
- Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
- Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
- Pluto: Aquarius (November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043)
Daily Astrology Snapshots
Monday, March 17th
Scorpio – it is time to go deep within and give yourself the time and space to sit with your feelings and emotions, especially the “darker” or more difficult/painful ones.
Only by confronting your wounds can you heal and process them.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius — Power struggles and control issues can take over, and it can be difficult to figure a way out, but a cooler head and some deep breathing can be a good place to start.
Tuesday, March 18th
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer — With energy so high, this can be a good time to use it to your advantage. Focus on something that would benefit you.
Wednesday, March 19th
Sagittarius – the energy is lighter, funnier, and more upbeat today! It is very important that you nurture your ability to enjoy yourself and learn to take pleasure and experience joy in the things you pursue in your life.
Astrological Aspect
Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune — You can sense subtle energies all around you, and you can tap into your intuition. Pay attention to dreams and insights.
Thursday, March 20th
Astrological Aspect
The Sun enters Aries — With Aries season over the next month, this is usually a time for action and taking the initiative, but with both Mercury and Venus retrograde and currently in Aries, this might be a little challenging. Try focusing on something you can take the initiative with that is a second chance.
Friday, March 21st
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius — Work on restrengthening your emotional bonds with others. You can be passionate about your connections and comfortable with intimacy.
Saturday, March 22nd
Capricorn – today, the energy is grounded, practical, and serious. This is a good time to focus and get down to business.
Astrological Aspect
Sun conjunct Venus in Aries — Extra attention can be paid to the Venus retrograde, and you can give more time to how to best use the energy and reconnect.
Sunday, March 23rd
Astrological Aspect
Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius — Take control of something that has felt like it’s been running wild. You can empower yourself and get serious.
Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.
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