Venus Retrograde & What It Means for You | Astrology Answers

Venus Retrograde & What It Means for You | Astrology Answers

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding.

But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.”

Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a wonderful transit if you are hoping for some love in your life, and who isn’t?

Whether you are single or attached, Venus retrograde is going to introduce you to the notion of fated love over the next few weeks, and it will help you in your primary relationships.

If you’re single, that might not come until later. If you’re attached, you’re the one calling the shots because of your awakening to fated love.

Venus, the Goddess of Beauty & Love

Venus is what we call an inner planet as its orbit takes about 225 days to complete a full circle through the zodiac—it spends approximately 20 days in a particular sign and is never more than two signs away from the Sun.

This means that every year we have unlimited opportunities to review, re-evaluate, and renew our relationships in the different ways that the zodiac brings us.

Venus rules two signs and two astrological houses of the zodiac—Taurus and the 2nd House of Wealth and Libra and the 7th House of Partnerships.

Taurus represents the inner qualities of Venus, such as our personal values and desires. Libra represents the outer qualities of Venus, such as our passion for relationships and connection.

The expression of Venus in our everyday life shows up in many ways. We all have certain Venus personality traits that express beauty and love in a unique manner.

Common Themes of Venus:

  • Harmony
  • Affection
  • Love
  • Beauty
  • Sociability
  • Creativity
  • Flirtatious
  • Self-indulgence

So when Venus goes retrograde, you’re sure to see a switch-up in how love is expressed on the planet Earth.

What is Venus Retrograde?

Venus doesn’t go retrograde very often, whereas Mercury goes retrograde a few times a year and Jupiter at least once. Venus goes retrograde approximately every 19 months for about six weeks.

We can expect Venus to retrograde in the sign of Aries beginning on March 1st, and you will have it sprinkling magic in your love life. Then, on March 27th, Venus retrograde shifts into dreamy Pisces.

When a planet is direct, the themes of that planet and zodiac sign are emphasized for all Earthlings, but when a planet is retrograde, it makes a station or a stop and begins to slow down. This slows down these themes and qualities but doesn’t diminish their intensity.

In other words, relationships are still as fun as ever. There is a more reflective tone to them.

The Four Themes of Venus Retrograde

  1. Reflection
  2. Reviewing
  3. Reconnection
  4. Rediscovering

Venus turns retrograde when it is the process of a planet slowing down, and it appears it is moving backward. When a planet is retrograde, the themes they rule appear to move back in time as well.

During every retrograde period, we see the past come into the picture.

Since Venus rules love and money, past loves are going to play a big role in the life events of many of your friends and maybe even for yourself.

While the focus is primarily on love during this transit, you can apply this reflective view to all parts of your life. Here are some things you can do during Venus retrograde.

What to Release During this Venus Retrograde:

  • Relationships that do not serve us.
  • Lingering feelings of loneliness.
  • Unrealistic expectations of love and friendships.
  • A job that does not make us happy.

What to Focus On During Venus Retrograde:

  • Making sure our close relationships stay strong.
  • Making amends.
  • Keeping ourselves open to old flames (and twin flames).
  • Renewed self-love and self-validation.

How Venus Retrograde Impacts You if You’re Single

Simply put, if you are single, you are likely looking to change that status. This Venus retrograde is going to help you. Prepare for a feast or famine period.

Have you ever pined for “The One” and seemed to have everybody under the Sun but that person knocking on your door? That could happen now. You’ll be presented with a number of options. How do you know which to follow?

If you aren’t looking to settle down, go out and have fun, but be smart and responsible about it. That means being clear in your intentions with potential lovers—don’t tell anyone you’re looking for something serious when you aren’t looking for a long-term relationship at this time.

It also means don’t buy the farm based on the first lamb you meet along the way if you are looking for someone special. Make sure you keep your standards high and you don’t compromise your own boundaries or needs. Not all is as it seems.

Related article: How Venus Placements Affect The Way We Love

How Venus Retrograde Impacts You if You’re Attached

If you are attached during Venus retrograde, proceed with caution.

Venus retrograde goes back in time and brings up a lot of old relationship stuff. You’ll find yourself having conversations that easily become fights. “Remember the time at that party in 2015 when you were flirting with that girl?” You won’t remember, but someone else will.

A lot of conversations are being brought up, and the rehashing of old wounds or issues.

Venus retrograde will expose the things in your relationships that need to be fixed, so this will be a make-it-or-break-it time for some couples. If you want to stay in the relationship, you will heal the cracks. If you don’t, well, you won’t stay.

Whatever happens, you will be alright with the outcome because you will come into that awakening under Venus retrograde. You will know what you want, if you are getting it or not, and make the decision yourself.

Expect Changes in Love During Venus Retrograde

Venus in retrograde can have a big impact on your relationships and your love life.

Remember, this is a very powerful time for twin flames and old flames right now, so expect them. Every retrograde period sends past love or connections your way for a season or for a reason. Venus likes to play her games. She may be testing you with an old flame to really make you think about what you want.

Is true love right in front of you, or does an old love need to be revisited?

Are you ready for fated love? What are your relationship wishes under Venus retrograde?

Related article: The Ultimate Guide to Retrogrades

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