Whether it’s anxiety, an annoying situation, or you’re in general facing a serious Tower moment, there are inevitable times in our lives when stress brings us to our knees.
Even for those of us who may claim to be more levelheaded and calm, facing distressing circumstances at one point or another in our lives is part of the human experience.
While we all may have our own unique ways of managing stress, tuning into the cosmos and studying astrology or tapping into the powers of intuition with the Tarot are tools that are available to anyone and everyone – and they can truly help you navigate these stressful times!
While it may feel like there’s a long journey ahead of you, we can always take things one Tarot spread or one horoscope at a time.
We’ve crafted a very simple and easy Tarot spread to help you manage, shake off, and check up on your stress levels in honor of that first baby step to releasing stress in your life!
Shaking Off Stress 4-Card Tarot Spread
- What is causing you stress?
- What is in your control?
- What is out of your control?
- A message of affirmation or advice from the Tarot
We’ve done a practice spread below so you can see it in action.
1. What is causing you stress?
This Tarot card often foretells a lack of abundance or financial poverty, but it can also indicate that you are stuck in a “lack mindset.” Or, in other words, that you attract more lack because it’s constantly on your mind. (Think: the law of attraction!).
This naturally causes stress for anyone as it becomes a vicious cycle of loss, stress, and then more loss! The upside of the 5 of Pentacles, however, is that it is only halfway through the suit of Pentacles, and an opportunity lies in the rough to make this a turning point and a comeback story in the making instead of an unfortunate ending.
2. What is in your control?
The 4 of Swords is a card of rest, rejuvenation, and spiritual and mental clarity. Coming right after the heartbreak of the 3 of Swords, it indicates that a time of rest and letting go is in order.
Maybe there are many external things in your life at the moment that are completely out of your control. But this card in this spread position reminds you that you are in charge of your own healing and your own body.
Taking command of your journey of healing, forgiveness, and energetic and spiritual rejuvenation holds much power.
3. What is out of your control?
As a card of conflict, bickering, and arguing between people and groups, this card reminds us that other people and what they choose to do are out of our control.
Let go of the temptation to intervene and fix situations that have proven fruitless. Allowing other people into your headspace only adds stress, and it will likely hurt more than help.
4. A message of affirmation or advice from the Tarot
This is a card of wish fulfillment and enjoying the fruits of your labor. It may be here to remind you of what awaits you in the future and tell you to keep your eye on the prize.
There is much more in the long-term future that is waiting for you, and all stress in your present circumstances is only temporary, like many of the other obstacles you’ve faced in the past.
Test Out the Spread
Processing stress can take a toll on us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, and it’s in these times that it can be even harder to see clearly or know what steps to take from this point forward. While it is ultimately up to you to make those steps, the Tarot is a dear friend and tool in these times, illuminating the truth and helping you know where to place your focus.
Sometimes a simple spread to help us check in with our intuition is all that is needed to feel grounded and confident again in our own footing.
If you’re interested in branching out to other Tarot activities, feel free to check out our other spreads or pick up your own deck of cards if you are itching to try out this spread!
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