Are you ready for this week’s energy? It’s time to find out.
Here’s your briefing. We’ll finally submerge ourselves into dreamy Pisces season on the 18th, immediately calling us forward into an imaginative, emotional, and whimsical energy for the foreseeable future.
Plus, we have Mars in Cancer going direct to look forward to! We finally say goodbye to that pesky Mars retrograde on the 23rd, closing out our week with some easing up on previous stagnancy or frustration that it may have been causing us.
All in all, it’s pretty exciting stuff! But before we get too ahead of ourselves, it’s important to check in with the Tarot’s expertise too. What do the cards have to say about all this?
Read Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope
The Fool
Aries, something new is brewing!
The Fool brings you fresh starts and clean slates. This week is all about looking forward to the new… as you may have recently cleansed out the old too.
This means keeping an open heart and open mind, staying optimistic and present, and not fixating on any particular outcomes or goals just yet.
This week is a time for receiving new things without judgment, as you may not know where they’ll ultimately take you. For now, just observe, experience, and take it all in.
2 of Cups (Reversed)
Taurus, heart-to-heart connection may be hard to find this week.
The 2 of Cups reversed gives you the heads-up that romance, friendships, and even your emotional understanding of yourself can all suddenly feel more distant, complicated, or foggy.
Although times of disconnect are inevitable in life, that doesn’t make them any more fun or bearable in the moments in which they arise.
However, this period of time can also be a powerful opportunity for reflecting on these topics and identifying where in your life they could use some work for later improvement.
2 of Pentacles
Gemini is finding balance… one way or another!
The 2 of Pentacles shows you negotiating with your time, resources, and abundance. You’re putting plans into motion and getting a feel for what works and what doesn’t.
This is a productive week for career, finances, and the home, but it’s also just a generally auspicious card for getting most routines and lifestyle choices in order too.
What item will you check off your to-do list first, Gemini?
7 of Cups (Reversed)
Cancer, indecision is still haunting you… but you’re trying to slam the door in its face now.
The 7 of Cups reversed shows you shutting out the inner voice that’s telling you to second-guess yourself. It’s tempting to fall into the trap of overthinking the possibilities or overanalyzing your own intuition… especially for a sign as emotionally attuned as Cancer.
You like to feel out the possibilities, of course!
But this reversal asks you to not overdo it, and to firmly put a stop to any overextending of your questioning and considering… as it may not be leading anywhere anytime soon.
Page of Cups (Reversed)
Leo, let’s slow things down, shall we?
The Page of Cups reversed indicates that you’re all up in your own feelings this week, and you’re possibly even frantically trying to get them in order, push yourself to land on intuitive answers, and also exercise creativity with ease.
In other words, you’ve put a lot on your own plate all of a sudden!
While you have all of the potential and the qualities necessary to do these things eventually, right now may not be a time for juggling so much heart-centered energy all at once.
The Hierophant
Virgo has organization on their side… as per usual.
But this week, that’s a particularly strong tendency, as The Hierophant highlights structures, traditional systems, routines, and authority figures in your life.
For some Virgos, you may be fully in control of these things, exercising your own authority and acting as a leader. For others, you may just be vibing productively with this supportive energy in your life right now.
Regardless, be sure to use your knowledge and practical skills to your advantage here. You have resources at your disposal, and people are also listening and receptive to what you have to say right now.
3 of Cups
Libra, love is in the air… and it’s taking many forms!
The 3 of Cups brings affection, sweetness, and creativity into your life. This is a positive omen for all relationships in your life, but especially friendships and blessed interactions in group settings.
Additionally, this is a powerful card for Libras seeking to deepen their relationship with themselves, open up their creative instincts, or even delve deeper into spiritual and artistic practices.
Overall, there’s a lot to love about this week! And there’s a lot of love coming to you too.
The High Priestess
Scorpio is known for their penetrating intuition and unknowable connection with the darker things in life… and this week is no exception to the rule.
The High Priestess spotlights your intuition and unseen knowledge. What do you have a strong feeling about, even if you’re unable to logically pinpoint the rationale?
Mostly, this week is all about trusting those internal instincts of yours. For those more inclined toward divinatory arts, this can even also be a strong nudge to practice some Tarot yourself.
Read More: You Pulled the High Priestess Card — Now What?
8 of Pentacles
After some setbacks and slowness, Sagittarius is finally back on a productive track.
After all, the 8 of Pentacles signals that this week is all about getting things done. More specifically, this is positive momentum being gained in career, work, finances, and the home.
If you have anything you’d like to organize, plan, or get in order… now is the time to do so.
While this may not be a glamorous week of immediate reward or abundance, it’s definitely the best step you can take toward that direction for now!
Page of Wands
Capricorn, adventure awaits!
The Page of Wands is a bubbly, spontaneous, and lighthearted energy that brings a whole lot of adventure and whimsy into your path.
For some Capricorns, you’re embracing this energy right now and allowing this spontaneity to lead your actions. For others, you may just be surrounded by whimsical personalities that are prompting you to match their energy.
Either way, you’re called to a more relaxed disposition right now in order to seize the light, silliness, and good vibes of the moment.
5 of Wands (Reversed)
Aquarius, chaos is abound… but you don’t have to participate.
The 5 of Wands can be a grim sight of conflict and uncomfortable chaos. This clashing of personalities and big egos is all around you right now as people engage in petty, competitive behavior.
However, the reversal suggests that you’re very capable of putting up strong boundaries, rejecting the drama, and carrying on your way… with some effort, of course.
It won’t be easy, but you’re called to shut out all this white noise and focus on yourself for now, even as your energy is being tugged toward the messiness of others.
6 of Swords
Pisces, it’s time to pack your bags and get a move on.
This is, of course, not as literal as it sounds. The 6 of Swords is actually suggesting that you’re meant to cut ties with something much deeper — perhaps a mindset, a relationship, an emotion, or a goal.
No matter what it is, you have probably been sensing for some time that this just isn’t a right fit for you.
And it can be scary to move on into the unknown, not certain about what may replace the cavity this will leave behind. But you have to trust fall into the hands of the Universe here… or at least trust in yourself.
Your Curated Weekly Spiritual Resources
Your Tarotscope is one piece of the puzzle that can help you prepare for the unpredictable times ahead.
However, there’s more than just one piece that you can discover. For the full picture, we recommend preparing with a variety of tools and resources that round out your spiritual and practical perspective of this week’s energy!
Here’s what we recommend for this week:
Recommended for you: Your February 2025 Monthly Tarotscope
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